Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Going Digital Without Going Broke" Yeah, but maybe we can do it for free.

I read the article, "Going Digital [in the classroom] without Going Broke," expecting to find great things for the classroom.  I did see a lot of wonderful tools, but, since IGoogle has so much for free, I'm not sure of the advantages of trying out these particular tools,...registering, learning, paying once the ubiquitous free trial runs out,...  I'm sure they have a lot of extra bells and whistles, but, what IGoogle has, and what this course has already introduced me to, is overwhelming.  (Oops!  That slipped out by accident!  I really meant to say "more than satisfactory.")  What do you all think?  Does this mark me as hopelessly un-millenial? 

1 comment:

  1. Not at all. There IS a lot out there to try as the need and the desire arises. I agree that it is silly to pay for products when there are so many good things available for free-thus, the open source movement. I have always believed the options keep us free as well. When I have options and the choices are mine, I feel like I can do anything that I want to. When my choices are limited, I feel trapped, limited, and stifled.
